Physicus macintosh
Physicus macintosh

Also, a failed attempt puts the item back in the inventory, meaning you have to get it out again to try in a slightly different spot. However a few of the places to use things are mighty small, and if you miss the critical spot, you might not appreciate that you had the right combination. That in itself is not necessarily a downside, and careful attention to what you learn and careful observation will give you plenty of clues about what is used where. Cold spotsįinally, in this game you are on your own when it comes to working out where to use something. As well, some locations are very easy to miss, as you have to be in the right place and carefully use the cursor to access where you need to be. You will find yourself at times going through a convoluted set of movements in order to get the orientation you want, to examine an object or move forward. This was a feature of Physicus as well but I thought it was more pronounced here. Next, there are some very awkward orientations involved, and getting from A to B can be more difficult than it needs to be. Again, it's a comparative thing, but I reiterate that databases have to be as appealing as possible. I thought the database was a little less fun too - not as animated and not as interactive. Having it on your laptop in Physicus was a better arrangement.

physicus macintosh

It's a small thing, but as some people are allergic to anything with a database, I think it is important to make the access as easy as possible. There are plenty of them, but on occasion I wanted to review some material and had to leave where I was and backtrack to a terminal. You need to find a terminal to access the Big Brain. Brain freezeĪnother lesser aspect by comparison is the fact that you don't carry your database around with you. Perhaps it fits better if the product is seen first and foremost as a learning tool (as opposed to a game), but I thought Physicus worked on both levels to a high degree without this same artificiality. In other ways, the weaving of science into the gameplay and the world of Bioscopia is quite well done, but these mentioned aspects are a minus. Having to apply knowledge to solve puzzles is one thing, but a straight-out "question and answer" session is somewhat less satisfying. There are also some pop-quizzes which you must pass to unlock doors and machines. Which may be good or bad, depending upon your point of view, but it is nonetheless a very artificial way to incorporate the science into the game.

#Physicus macintosh plus

Plus it is multiple choice, and you aren't penalised for a wrong answer, so you may well get by with never researching the answers. The questions aren't that hard, and all the answers can be found in the database. Each correct answer gives you a unit of charge, up to a maximum of five, which is good for five passages through the relevant locked doors. You charge it up by inserting it into one of the many terminals you will find, and then answering questions on the science fields covered in the game. To enter locked areas you need a charged keycard. I thought it wasn't as well done here, and some aspects were downright clunky. One is the way in which the science is integrated into the story and the environment. There are several reasons why Bioscopia was not quite as good as Physicus. I suggest you read the Physicus review to find out what is so good about these games, then come back and I will explain the differences and tell you why I thought this game comes in second. You can tell I am a fan.īy comparison though, I thought Bioscopia fell a little short of the standard attained by the earlier game. Attention to detail, careful searching of the environment, and a willingness to dip into the database will see you through (although I thought the penultimate puzzle solve in Bioscopia left a bit to be desired). They are solid products, not resorting to tricked up puzzles or worlds, nor relying on mazes or timed puzzles to provide a challenge. Perhaps they could be a little more open in terms of where you can go and when, but the large target audience (10-102) probably dictates a more directed approach, plus it makes them accessible for novices and the more experienced alike.

physicus macintosh

They are certainly among the few best edutainment titles I have played, and are two excellent adventure games whatever the sub-genre.

physicus macintosh

Much of what made Physicus such a good game is present here. If you enjoyed Physicus you will enjoy this. First you have to get inside, but then what to make of that large (and still active) robot? And is everything really as it seems? The place is falling into ruin, but remains alive in many ways.

physicus macintosh

You arrive at a seemingly abandoned and probably forgotten research facility, after a cutscene that suggests a rescue is in order. Review by Steve Ramsey (January, 2003) From the same makers and in much the same vein as Physicus, Bioscopia sees you once again teaming up with science, this time of the biological variety, in a quest to "conquer evil".

Physicus macintosh